Statement signature image


For our Canadian users of Shepherd's Staff, a signature is required by the Canadian Revenue Agency on contribution statements. Shepherd's Staff provides a way for you to upload a signature image so you can save time by having your signature image printed directly on your contribution statement. This image should be sized to 300 x 50 pixels

Note: You must be logged in with full supervisor-level access to the Contributions module in order to access this option.

  1. To upload a signature image, open the contributions module, and click on "Tools/Settings"
  2. Check the checkbox for "Other Settings"
  3. Click the Folder icon to open a file explorer window where you can navigate through your computer to find your image.
  4. Once you've found the image, click on it in the file explorer window and then click "Open" in the bottom right corner of the window.
  5. Click "Save" to save your image to Shepherd's Staff
