Sum by fund, year


The Sum by fund, year view is a view that will show you total contributions to each fund for each year. The view will show the year, the fund, the number of contributors you had to that fund during that year, the total you received to this fund, and how much of it was pledged, and how much of it was unpledged.

  1. You can access the Sum by fund, year view by opening the contributions module, clicking on Summaries, and then clicking "By fund, year"
  2. You can search for particular entries or filter to a particular date range by using the search boxes at the top of the grid. See our article on search and filter for more details on how to use these search boxes.
  3. Clicking print will provide you with a variety of reporting options, including the view as you see it on the grid, a report that shows the information grouped by fund, then year, and a report grouped by year, then fund.
