Sum by fund, year, month


The Sum by fund, year, month view is a view that will show you contribution totals broken out by fund, for each year, and then showing you totals for each month within that year. Each year is broken into three rows: Total given, Not from Pledges, From Pledges.

  1. You can access the Sum by fund, year, month view by opening the contributions module, clicking on Summaries, and then clicking "By fund, year, month"
  2. You can search for particular funds or years by using the search boxes at the top of the grid. The filter box will allow you to filter to just see one of the rows for each year as well. See our article on search and filter for more details on how to use the search and filter function of this grid.
  3. Clicking print will provide you with two options. The (default) option will show you a report, grouped by fund, showing you Pledged, unpledged and totals for each year, broken out by month for each fund. The "Fund totals only" option will show you a report, grouped by fund, showing you only the totals for each year, broken out by month.
