Search and Filter



Each data grid in Shepherd’s Staff® has a search box and usually also a filter. The search box and filter can be used to narrow down the large amount of data that can appear in grids. In addition to standard text, search utilizes various special characters to create unique searches. After the search and filter are applied, the view can then be saved to create a report or to save it for future use.


The search function only searches data that is in columns with bold headers.

The search and filter options can be found above the data grid. There are two search fields. With the use of special characters, the and/or function can be used in creative ways to find different data. For example, a user could type >11/15/2017 in the first search box to find dates after November 15, 2017, then select and and enter =Smith in the second search box. This would search for records after November 15, 2017, for just people with the name “Smith”.

These are the special characters you can use in searches:

» Equal (=)—Putting = before a search value causes the search to perform an exact match on the specified value. Example: = Johnson.

» Greater than (>)—Putting > before a search value searches for values greater than the one you type in.  Example: >12/01/2017 searches for dates after December 1, 2017.

» Less than (<)—Putting < before a search value searches for values less than the one you type in.  Example: <12/01/2017 searches for dates before December 1, 2017.

» Pipe (| or shift + \)—Lets you search for a range, e.g. between two values. Example: 04/01/2018 | 04/15/2018 searches date columns for dates between April 1 and April 15, 2018.

» At (@)—Prefixing a value with @ suspends the auto-data-type logic, so that you can search for a number or date stored in a text field. An example of this need is in the attendance By person/week grid, where using @ allows you to search for a portion of an attendance pattern.

» Like (%)—Entering a search with % followed by a value (ex. %value) lets you search for results that end with that value.  Similarly, entering a value then adding % at the end (ex. value%) will find any results beginning with that value.

Filters can also be applied with or without search. These filters change depending on the nature of the data that is being displayed. These drop-downs can be selected at any time to filter the data to match the selection. The most common filter is Who. This drop-down lists various groups of members, like current members, non-members, or people from various lists and subgroups.



Pressing F5 will clear all search fields and any filters

Here is how to use the search and filters:

  1. Select the tab and section you want to search in.
  2. Above the data chart, enter into the search field the information you would like to search for. Click the red “x” icon next to the search field to clear it.
  3. Select any options from the various filter drop-downs to filter the information.
  4. Click save in the command line to save the view for future use.