Denomination Specific Report: Lutheran - LCMS


The Congregation Annual Report (LCMS) is exclusively used by Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod churches. This report is designed specifically to assist users in filling out the yearly Congregational Statistics Report requested by the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Office of Rosters and Statistics.

These reports are usually expected to be returned about the end of February. Contact the LCMS Office of Rosters and Statistics if you have any questions about completing the Congregational Statistics Report.

The LCMS report contains the following tabs:

» Church Info—Contains general church information. Note that the church contact information fields are filled with information entered on the System Settings window (accessed from the main menu, Utilities button, Settings, Church tab). 

» Membership—Contains information about membership figures such as baptized membership, and membership gains and losses

» Demographics—Contains information about the age of your membership, including average and percentage of membership by age.

» Attendance/activity—This tab allows you to designate which attendance events should be considered for calculating your church's average attendance, as well as Vacation Bible School attendance, as well as Sunday School, training classes and confirmation class attendance

» Financials 1—This tab allows you to select which income and expense accounts should be considered for calculating receipts and disbursements from your church. Please note that use of the finance module is required to get information filled in for this tab.

Notes on this report:

» This report is looking for the specific terms for Received By and Removed By fields as listed below. Users are encouraged to check that their member information in their database is using these terms before running this report.

If you find a term is incorrect, you can use the Mass Update utility to fix those discrepancies.

Received By Terms:
Affirmation of Faith
Profession of Faith
Transfer LCMS
Other LCMS
Other Lutheran
Receive ELCA
Receive WELS

Removed By Terms:
Transfer LCMS
Other LCMS
Other Lutheran
Release ELCA
Release WELS
Moved (No Transfer)




  1. Select other Reports within the Membership Module
  2. Select the "Statistics: Denomination-specific" option on the list of reports
  3. In the "Denomination" field, select "Lutheran - LCMS" and then click the "Select" button
  4. On the Church Info tab, set your Reporting Year and what month your report ends in. The "Age cut-off for children" determines at what age a person is considered an adult instead of a child on the Membership tab.
  5. The Membership tab will show you your membership statistics including Total Baptized and Confirmed membership, and membership gains and losses. Click the question mark button next to each figure to see how that figure is being calculated, or click the i button to see who is included within the figure the button is associated with.
  6. The Demographics tab will display age information about your congregation. Click the i button next to the fields that have them to see who is included in that field.
  7. The Attendance/activity tab is where you can pick which attendance events, and what training/confirmation classes should be included to figure out your church's weekend worship attendance, vacation bible school attendance, and who is in each training class. Click the button with the check marks and lines next to each field to make your selection on what events/trainings should be included on each field
  8. The Financials 1 screen is where you can select which  accounts should be considered for receipts and disbursements. Click the button with the check marks and lines next to each field to make your selection on what accounts should be included in each field.
  9. Click the Save and calculate button to update any calculated fields with information after filling the fields on each tab. When you've completed the last tab, click the Print button to get a preview of your Report, and then click print to print out your report.