Vehicles Report


The Vehicles report provides a listing of all the vehicles your church owns, or a blank maintenance form to record the details of maintenance performed on a vehicle. Both of these reports are useful as the vehicle list can help you provide information to insurance providers, while the vehicle maintenance form can help you record all the relevant details of maintenance performed on your vehicles at your church.

  1. To access the Vehicles report, click on Reports and then click on Vehicles on the left side of the window.
  2. Select the format you would like to run the report in, either Vehicle List or Blank maintenance form
  3. In the Vehicle type field, select the vehicle you would like to run this report for, if you want to just see information for one vehicle, or you can leave it set to (all) to run the report for all of your vehicles. (Applies only to the Vehicle List format)
  4. If you want to include maintenance information on your report, check the box for"Include maintenance from" and then fill in the date range you want to see maintenance for. (Applies only to the Vehicle List format)
  5. Click the print button to generate your report.
