Inventory Report


The Inventory Report provides you with a listing of your inventory arranged in different ways, and even a blank form that can be filled out for new inventory. The Inventory Report has 5 different formats:

»  Inventory List — This is a simple listing of your inventory items and vehicles, with options to show the inventory location, notes, Identification details, Acquisition details, and Rooms and quantity.

»  Inventory List by Room — This is similar to the Inventory List report, but it shows what inventory is being used in each room.

»  Inventory Valuation — This report shows the inventory items and vehicles and what their original value was, and their current value, based on what has been entered in the valuation section of the inventory record

»  Inventory Usage in Events — This report shows what events different inventory items are being used in.

»  Blank Form — This report provides you with a blank form to record details about new inventory items.

  1. To access the Inventory Report, click on the Reports tab, and then click on Inventory on the left side of the window.
  2. Select the format of Inventory report you'd like to use.
  3. In the Status field, select if you want to see this report for items that are in service, out of service or both (select any to see both).
  4. The Inventory type, Room, Room type, and Room location fields act as filters that let you see only inventory from the select fields. If you do not wish to filter based on a particular field, leave it set to (all)
  5. If you only want to see inventory that has been acquired during a particular date range, check the box next to Acquired between, and then set your date range.
  6. If you're running the Inventory valuation report, you can check the box next to "Last valuation <=" to see only items that have been valued before the date you set.
  7. In the include section (only included in some formats of the report) you can choose which additional details you'd like to see on the report.
  8. Click Print to generate your report.
