Add Ministry Group


Your church may have different groups that households or individuals are assigned to that meet outside of the normal Sunday services. Shepherd's Staff defines these groups as Ministry Groups, and in the Lists section, you can see who is assigned to a Ministry Group.

Adding a Ministry Group Record to a Household or Individual

  1. In the People Tab, click on Lists
  2. Click the Add button at the bottom of the grid and select "Ministry Group" in the window that appears. 
  3. In the next window, choose if you're adding the group to an Individual or a Household
  4. In the Household or Person field, select the Household or Person you're adding a Ministry Group to.
  5. In the Ministry Group field, select the Ministry Group you're adding to a person. You can add a new option by clicking in the activity box and clicking the "Add/Remove Item from the list" button
  6. Click Save to save the Ministry Group record.
