07.10.2024 Update [9.0]


Shepherd's Staff 2024 Version (9.0.0), release 20240710



  • When printing the default report version of the "By fund, day" Summary grid, data could get out of order towards the end of the report. The date was missing from the initial query's sort order; it was only sorted by fund number. The grid now sorts by date in descending order and then by fund number in ascending order (instead of just by fund number in ascending order). The tab name has also been changed from "By fund, day" to "By day, fund". This will put the most recent giving data first, across funds. Note: If you change the grid sort by clicking on a column header (which picks a single field for sorting), you will not be able to get back to the new dual-field sort of "date, fund number" until you click the refresh button at the upper right of the grid, or leave/return to the summary grid.



  • Under the Households counts on the Dashboard, "Empty" did not exclude archived households. 
  • Under the Households counts on the Dashboard, "At least 1 visitor" did not exclude archived households or archived visitors within a household.


  • When saving a custom field name change, the audit log entry listed the module as Scheduler instead of Contributions.
  • When adding an Annual pledge, the program no longer lets you save a date range that does not span 12 months (e.g., 11 months, 15 months, 27 months). Doing so caused the total pledge to show as $0.00. In other words, the total months the pledge covers must be evenly divisible by 12 (even if the date range does not fall on the first and last of a month). Note that we strongly recommend running annual pledges from January through December; non-calendar date ranges may produce confusing results on reports and statements, since normal contributions giving is predicated on a calendar year, for IRS purposes.


  • When repeating an event, if you chose "Consecutive days starting on" and entered just numbers for the date, you received the following error instead of a message telling you to enter a valid date: "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."


  • When deleting a favorite in Membership, Attendance, Finance, or Scheduler, the audit log entry incorrectly listed the module as Contributions.
  • When exporting the calendar to CSV, the Location (i.e., room name) was not included.


  • Change: When using the "Fix an offering batch posted to the wrong date" utility, it now displays a "Finished!" message before closing the window, to confirm to the user that the process was completed successfully.
  • Change: When adding an offering batch, the warnings that appear if you enter a batch date over a year ago or a batch date in the future, have been upgraded to better grab the user's attention. The new message has the header, "Is this correct...?", the icon is a yellow exclamation point, and the message starts with "WARNING!", in all caps.