06.24.2024 Update [9.0]


Shepherd's Staff 2024 Version (9.0.0), release 20240624 



  • On the Lists grid in Membership, if you added a Person Assigned or Ministry Group list and entered more than 25 characters for the name of the Person Assigned or Ministry Group name, when you clicked Save you received the error, "The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add."


  • If a person had more than 50 characters in their Home e-mail address, when printing the "By person / week" grid in Attendance it displayed the error, "The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add."


  • Starting with the 20240618 service pack, customers with only a single year of Finance data could no longer see the current Finance year in the report year drop lists. 


  • When deleting a favorite view or report, the favorite was correctly deleted, but the Audit Log entry displayed the wrong view or report name. 



  • The row count at the lower right of data grids is now formatted for commas as needed, for better readability. 


  • In Payments, Receipts, and Journal Entries, under the attachments, if you only had the third attachment filled in, when you opened the transaction the "attachment exists" icon was not being set to indicate there was an attachment.