Export Membership Information


The Export Membership Information report allows you to export information about the people and households in your Membership module in various formats, such as excel or CSV. This report can even be used to export to information to various third-party services, such as Mailchimp or Lifetouch.

  1. To access the Export Membership Information report, in Membership, click on the "Other Reports" tab, and then select "Export Membership Information"
  2. In the "Who" field, select what group of people or households you want to perform this export for.
  3. The format field offers a variety of different formats you can export to. These formats include:
    • Comma-separated values, style 1 - This will export to a Text or CSV file, and will include each household in your selected group, one household per row. You will be able to see the following fields: Last Name, Husband & Wife, Children, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Cell Phone 1, Cell Phone 2, Email 1, and Email 2.
    • Comma-separated values, style 2 - This is similar to the previous report, but each person will get their own row. The following fields are included on this report: Family Name, Member Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Birthday, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip, Primary Home Phone, Email Address and Cell Phone
    • Household (all addresses) - This report exports in either Text or CSV formats. This report will show each household in the selected group, each getting their own row. The following fields are included on this report: Household Name, Category, Addressee Style 1, Addressee Style 2, Street Address 1, Street Address 2, Street Address 3, City, State, Zip, Delivery Point, Country, Phone, Begin Date and End Date.
    • Lifetouch Import/Export - This option will bring up a new window and it will ask if you want to import data into Shepherd's Staff from Lifetouch, or Export information out from Shepherd's Staff to Lifetouch. 
    • Mailchimp compatible - This option will provide you with a CSV file that is formatted to be exported into Mailchimp. This file contains one row per person, and it contains the following fields: Email address, First Name, Last Name
    • BatchGeo compatible - This option exports a TXT file in a format that can be imported into BatchGeo, an online mapping service. When exported, a Text file will appear onscreen that you can copy and paste into BatchGeo. It includes the following fields: Address, City, State, Zip, Name and Phone Number
    • Cell Phone export - This exports each person's cell phone information to a TXT file. The fields included are First Name, Last Name, Cell Phone, Carrier and Description.