Restoring Photos and Attachments


The “Restore Photo” utility is a powerful tool that allows you to restore photos from a previous backup, just like you can do with the database. This utility must be used carefully—if a backup from two years ago is restored, then all the photos from after that date will be lost! To help avoid issues like this, only those logged in as the System Administrator are able to restore a backup.

There are several ways to select a restore. From the “Restore Photos” tab, you can select any of the following:

» Most-recent one—This will restore the most recent database.

» Let me choose—This will open a file browser window, and you can select any restore file you would like.

» From a date—This will filter the backups to those that were created on a particular date. Use the calendar in the center of the window to select your desired date.

» Past 270 days—This will display all backups done in the past 270 days. You can then use the calendar to select dates in order to narrow your search.

There are also additional options for selecting which photos you would like to restore:

» All images that are in use—If a record has an image associated with it, then that image will be restored. All photos that were removed from the person or household record after the backup was run will not be restored.

» Only missing images—This will restore photos that are in the backed-up photo database but are currently missing from Shepherd’s Staff.

» Missing images and ones that are different—This will restore photos that are in the backed-up photo database, but they are currently missing from Shepherd’s Staff or have been changed since the backup.

» ALL images (whether in use or not)—This will restore ALL photos that are in the backed-up photo database, including those that have been deleted from Shepherd’s Staff since the backup.

Here is how to restore a photo database:

  1. Close out of all modules in Shepherd’s Staff, make sure you are on the Shepherd’s Staff Central Window
  2. Select “Tools” at the top of the window.
  3. Choose Backup and Restore, and then choose “Photos”.
  4. Click on the “Restore Photos” tab.
  5. Choose an option under “Which backup do you want to restore?” and use the calendar to narrow your search.
  6. Select a backup from the list in the “Backups created on this date” box.
  7. Choose an option in the “I want to restore” section in the bottom right corner of the window.
  8. Click “Start restore”.

