Change a Repeated Event


If you find at some point you need to change a repeated event, you can do so. If you just need to change a single event due to a rescheduling or cancellation, you can do that just by selecting the event in the Events view and clicking on the "Edit" button to edit that one event.

  1. Make a backup first.
  2. On the Events view, highlight the next event in the repeating series of events that you want to change.
  3. Choose "Edit" and then make any changes you need to make to the series of events. Save your changes when completed.


However, if you want to save that change to every instance of the event (moving from Mondays to Wednesdays from now on) you will need to use the “Change Event utility."

  1. On the Event view, with the event you made the changes to still selected, click the "Change" button at the bottom of the view
  2. In the "Change an event' window that appears, make sure the event you want to change is selected.
  3. In the Date Range section, choose if you want to change all remaining events in the series, or all future events between a set date range.
  4. Click Continue
  5. If there are any conflicts that would be created by this change, you will see a window that will tell you what events that these changes will conflict with, and you will be returned to the "Change an Event" window.
  6. If there are no conflicts that would be created by this change, you will see a listing of your events, and you will be asked if you want to save the changes that were made. Click Save to save your changes, or click Go back, to return to the previous window.
