Household Addresses Tab


The Household Addresses Tab contains the address information fields, as well as phone numbers for each address a household may be associated with. You can designate the primary address, two alternate addresses and a mailing address in this tab.

  • Address - There are three separate lines for an Address Line 1, 2 and 3. If you click the notes button (thumbtack) you can enter a description of the address as well. If this is not the mailing address for the household, uncheck the "Use as mailing address" checkbox, and a 4th option will appear below Household away 2, "Mailing", where you can enter a separate mailing address for the household.
  • Begin use on/End use on (Only available for Household away 1 & 2): Gives a starting and ending date for when an alternate address will be active. If this is an alternate address that is used on an annual basis, check the Repeats Annually box. This will automatically update the starting and ending dates for the next year as soon as the time period is up.
  • City: This is an option field. Cities you've entered for other households will be available here, or you can add a new option.
  • State, Zip Code, Country, Carrier Route: Fill in the appropriate information for the address in each of these fields
  • Country Code: This is an option field. County codes you've entered for other households will be available here, or you can add a new option.
  • Address phone numbers: These are household phone numbers. You can add a note to any of the numbers by clicking the Note button (Thumbtack) next to each number. If a number shouldn't be listed on your church directory, make sure to click on the Private button (Lock) to designate that phone number as private.

To add notes about the address as a whole, click the notes button (thumbtack) on the far right side of the tab. To delete the address, click the trash can icon. If you want to copy all of the address to your clipboard in windows, click the clipboard icon. Finally, if you want to see the address on Google Maps, click the globe icon.