Church Tab


The Church tab contains the person’s church-related information including their membership, important dates, involvement within the church, and even the person’s envelope number. 

Note: The envelope number cannot be edited on this window, however, you can edit this field in the contribution module.

Some of these fields were already filled in if you followed the steps on Adding a Person

If you mark someone as received by Baptism or Confirmation, Shepherd’s Staff checks the appropriate box to the right (Baptized or Confirmed), saving you a click. 

In addition, If you add a new person who was received by Baptism or Confirmation, the associated date will fill in with the date on which the person was received. 

One important field you will want to keep up to date is the Participation field. We all want to know who is currently active in our church and this field is a way to track that.

The Section field is in reference to the Sunday School Grade. For example, if you have a large class of students that you have broke up into two separate classes for the same grade (For example, a class of 40 students split up into two classes of 20 students) then you could designate a section A and B, or 1 and 2 to indicate which class a person is in.

The Ministry Group and Person Assigned override fields allows you to have a person be assigned to a different person or ministry group than the rest of their household.

At the far right of the Church tab, you'll see four buttons. The first button, labeled AST, when clicked will bring up a window that shows all activities, Skills, Spiritual Gifts and Training Classes for that person. You can print a list of these items from the window that appears. The next button, labeled with an A, will bring up a window with a list of attendance summaries for all the years you have recorded attendance for this person. The next button, labeled with a C will open the contributor record for that person, and finally, the last button, labeled with an S, will bring up a window that will list all Subgroups that this person is a part of. 
