Recurrent offerings


Recurrent offerings allow you to set up schedules of giving (templates) for givers at your church, and, when set up, allow Shepherd's Staff to quickly and easily create the offering records set up in these templates. Recurrent offerings most frequently see use for electronic giving, especially for churches who use an e-giving provider other than Vanco, as this will allow churches to easily keep track of their givers who give on a set schedule. 

When recurrent giving templates are created, you then have the opportunity to generate those templates. Generating your templates will produce an offering batch for each day offerings would occur on, according to the frequency of the templates in your recurrent offerings grid. 

The recurrent offering grid will show you information about your recurrent offering templates including the envelope number, name, beginning date, ending date, total, frequency, day(s) the offering will generate on, last applied, if there is a note on the template, what fund(s) the template is for, and the amount given to each fund for each time the template is generated.

  1. To access the Recurrent offering grid, in the contributions module, click on the "Giving" tab, and then click the "Recurrent offering" tab along the left side of the page
  2. You can search through your recurrent offering grid by using the "Search" boxes at the top of the grid using the standard search conventions. You can also use the "Filter" and "Who" boxes to further narrow down the group of templates you are viewing. If you want to see recurrent offering templates that have expired, make sure to uncheck the "Hide expired" box. Expired templates will show on the grid in blue.
  3. To add a new recurrent offering template, click the "Add" button to bring up the "Add recurrent offering" window.
  4. To edit an existing recurrent offering template, click on the template you want to make changes to in the grid, and then click the "Edit" button to bring up the "Edit recurrent offering" window.
  5. To copy an existing recurrent offering template, click on the template you want to copy on the grid to select it, and then click the "Copy" button to bring up the "Copy recurrent offering" window. You can make changes to the template before saving it.
  6. To delete a recurrent offering template, click on the transaction template you want to delete on the grid, and then click the "Delete" button.
  7. To create offering batches from all the recurrent offering templates that have a "next" date that does not exceed the next time an offering occurs, click the "Generate" button. This will create an offering batch for each date that offerings would occur from each of your templates.
