How to Edit a Household Name


You may need to change the name of a Household due to a marriage or divorce, a legal name change, or simply because of a typo or misspelling of the name.  Editing a household name is simple, once you know where to do it.

To change a Household name, in the Membership module, go to the Households grid. 

  1. Select the Household in question and either double-click, or click the Edit button at the bottom of the grid to open the Household for editing. 
  2. Once in the Household record, the very first section will be headed with the Household name, and show an overview of the details of the household.
  3. Directly below that is the section entitled "Household Information".  The first editable field is "Household name".  
  4. Simply type the correct or new name there, and click Save at the bottom-right of the page to complete the change.
  5. You may also need to update the "Salutation" and "Label name styles" in the "Mailing Information" section of the Household record.

*Note that this will not change the last name of any individuals within the household.  You will need to make an equivalent change to the "*Last" field in the "Personal Information" section of the Individual record of anyone who's name may have changed or need correcting.
