Individual Activity, Skills, Spiritual Gifts and Training


At times, you may want to see just one person's involvement in activities at your church, or maybe you want to be able to see just that person's skills or training that they've had. From within that person's record, Shepherd's Staff provides you with a way to take a quick look at all of this information.

  1. Open the Membership module, and under People > Individuals, find the person you want to view, and then double click on their name.
  2. This will open their person record. Scroll down to the church section of their record and on the right side of the window, you will see a button labeled "AST" with three people under it. Click this button
  3. The window that appears will show the activities, skills/spiritual gifts, and training for the person you selected in a grid.
  4. If you want to add additional Activities, Skills/Spiritual Gifts, or Training, you can click the Add button at the bottom of the window, or, to edit an existing entry, click on it once to highlight it, and then click edit to edit that Activity, Skill/Spiritual Gift, or Training record. 
