Move a Person to a Different Household Utility


Often, you will need to move people from one household to another, or from one household into their own household. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but in each situation, a person will need to be moved from their current household and into a new one. Shepherd's Staff offers a utility for just this situation called "Move a Person to a Different Household". This utility can be found in the Individuals Grid.

  1. Click on the person you want to move to a different household, and then click "Move" at the bottom of the grid.
  2. In the window that appears next, the person you selected in the previous step should already be selected in "Person to move", but if you want to change who you're moving, select the person you want to move in this field.
  3. If you want to move a person to an existing household, select the household you would like to move them to in the "Intended household" field, and set the household position they will hold, and then click save.
  4. If you want to move a person to a brand new household, click the + next to "Intended Household" and add in the information for that household. When finished, click Save. Then, in the "Intended Household box", select the household you just added, and set the household position you'd like the person you're moving to hold.
  5. Click save to finish moving the person to their new household.
