04.17.2024 Update [9.0]


Shepherd's Staff 2024 Version 99.0.0), release 20240417 



  • On the Payment Register report, if the payee is a person, their name now prints as First Last instead of Last, First, to match what appeared on the check/payment.



  • On the BudgetWorksheet report, inactive accounts were being included when "Include inactive accounts" was not checked.
  • On the Budget Worksheet report, when printing for a non-calendar fiscal year of July to June, it was calculating using the year-end projecting using the figures for January to December (calendar year) instead of July to June (non-calendar year).
  • On the "Budget vs. actual" Analysis tool, when viewing for a non-calendar year, all of the actuals were showing under the wrong column. For example, for a 7/1 through 6/30 year, July actuals (month 1 in the year) were showing under January (month 7 in the year).
  • If you had a Finance account attached to a Contributions Fund, and the name of the account was the maximum number of characters (which is 50), when you tried to print a batch report from the Batches grid it would give you the error that "the field was too small to accept this amount of data".
  • In Finance "Other reports", for the below reports, if you saved a report as a user favorite, it was using the saved report name as the report title even when "Use as the report title" was not checked. Reports affected: Chart of Accounts, Payment Register, Receipt Register, Journal Entry Register, Vendor activity and summaries, Vendor directory.
  • In Finance "Other reports", there was crosstalk occurring between saved reports. 
  • On the Bank Statement Reconciliation, if you dragged the right border of the window, the controls/text at the top of the window would overlap each other, and the right side of the grid did not stay attached to the right side of the form.
  • In the "Budget vs. actual" analysis tool in Finance, the Responsibility Code and Church Body Code names at the far right of the grid were not filled in.
  • For the following Finance reports, if you saved the Month with the report it was not loading the month went you loaded the saved report:
    • (1) Account and trial balance;
    • (2) Balance Sheet;
    • (3) Bank balance less dedicated;
    • (4) Dedicated Accounts.


  • On the "Fixed", "Fixed (legal)", and "Variable space" calendars in Scheduler, if there was more than one holiday (combining standard holidays and user holidays) on a given day, the additional holidays wrapped into the event information for that day. Now the holidays after the first one appear at the top of the event information for the day. The first holiday still appears in the upper right. 
  • On the "One week" calendar in Scheduler, standard and user holidays were not getting included when those checkboxes were marked.
    Fixed: On the "2 columns with photo" version of the Church Directory, longer household e-mails were getting cut off, even though there was enough space for them to show.
  • Fixed: In Scheduler "Other reports", there was crosstalk occurring between saved reports. This was the same problem as in Finance; see below for an example of the problem and how to duplicate.


  • The "by Household" version of the Inactivity report was grouping together households with the same name (i.e., combining the people from multiple households with the same household name under one household entry in the report).


  • There were issues across all modules with Saving user reports from under Other Reports. When you opened a module and went to Other Reports, left the first report selected, and clicked Save, it could show a different report name from a report further down the list. If you picked a saved report (again, for a report alphabetically further down the list), and exited and came back and picked that saved report, then clicked on the first report and clicked Save, it would ask about overwriting, and if you said "No" it would show the prior saved report's name; if you chose "Yes" it would make another copy of the first report (not the one you were on). 
  • If you searched in a data grid for something containing "+" or "+*", or other combinations using an asterisk like "s*s", you received the message, "Error in Like operator". The program now tests for the asterisk (*) and replaces it with a percent sign (%) as you type. (Note: The asterisk is an older wildcard character which Microsoft replaced with the percent sign, but which is still recognized by the database engine.)



  • Button order was changed on the Bank Statement Reconciliation for clarity, and to make it more apparent that Post is a necessary end step to finish the process. The order is now Edit, Clear, Save work, Post.


  • In all modules, when saving a user-defined report under Other Reports, the window for naming has been changed so that clicking Cancel stops the report favorite from being added. (Before, the favorite was added regardless, and then you had to manually delete it if if you had changed your mind.) Change was applied to Membership, Attendance, Contributions, Finance, and Scheduler.



  • When adding a touchpoint, the "Method" had an asterisk in front of it indicating it is required; this is not applicable because you can set it to "unspecified" (which is the default). The asterisk prefix has been removed.


  • In the Pledge Progress report, the "Pledge begin-end, frequency, amount" column now has more room, and will wrap text if the width is exceeded. (Or, you can reduce the font on the print preview to make things fit.)