Why do my Vanco offerings say "Invalid Fund" or "Invalid Envelope"? [FAQ]


When using the Vanco import utility, there are a few nuances you need to be aware of so Shepherd's Staff can make the connection between offerings given in your church's Vanco account and the contributors and funds in your Contributions module. When there is a problem making that connnection for individual offerings, it typically shows up in the form of an "Invalid Fund" or "Invalid Envelope" status on your Vanco import window. 

Invalid Fund

When you see the "Invalid Fund" message in the Status column for your offerings, this means that Shepherd's Staff could not find a match for the fund number in Vanco with a fund inside of Shepherd's Staff. Fund numbers in Vanco and Shepherd's Staff need to match up exactly. Frequently, where the disconnect can happen in your Fund numbers from Vanco and your Fund numbers in Shepherd's Staff, is that Vanco will sometimes automatically add "leading zeroes" to the fund numbers it creates. For example, your fund 1 in Shepherd's Staff might appear as a fund 0001 in Vanco. If this is the case, you will need to log in to your church's Vanco account online and update your Fund number to be 1, as Shepherd's Staff will not let you add 0's to the front of your fund number.

However, if this isn't the case, and maybe you added a new fund in Vanco that you have not yet added to Shepherd's Staff, you'll want to add the new fund, making sure the fund numbers match between Vanco and Shepherd's Staff, and then attempt your Vanco import again. 


Invalid Envelope

When you see the "Invalid Envelope" status next to an offering, this means that Shepherd's Staff cannot find a contributor to match the offering in question up to. If a person's envelope number matches the person's ID in Vanco, Shepherd's Staff can automatically make the match, but, the default ID numbers that Vanco creates will not typically match up with the envelope numbers you created in Shepherd's Staff. While you can go into Vanco and make these changes manually, it may make more sense to add a "Vanco ID" to the contributor record, especially if your church renumbers its envelopes on a regular basis. The reason this makes more sense is because when that person's envelope number changes in Shepherd's Staff, you would also need to update their ID in Vanco so the offerings would continue to match up.

By adding the person's (or couple's) Vanco ID number, instead of changing the ID over in Vanco, even if that person's (or couple's) envelope number changes, the Vanco ID you entered on their record will remain the same, meaning there's nothing additional to update when the envelope number changes.

To set an Vanco ID on a contributor record, go to Giving>Contributors and find the contributor you want to add a Vanco ID to. Once you have found it, click on it once, and then click "Edit". This will let you start editing the contributor record. In the "Contributor information" section, you'll see a field labeled "Vanco". Here, enter the ID number for that person in Vanco. If you are not sure of what this number is, when you went to import your Vanco offerings, one of the columns is labeled "Vanco giver ID". This number is a contributor's Vanco ID, and what you should enter in the "Vanco" field. Save your changes when you are done, and this will add the Vanco ID to a person's record, and will make it so the offerings that have this Giver ID will be matched up to this contributor when you use the Vanco Import utility.
