Shepherd’s Staff Finance module lets you keep track of your church’s financial information. This manual will walk you through setting up a chart of accounts, working with transactions, and running reports of your financial status.
Introduction to Finance
Basic Accounting Principles
- Payments
- Check Payments
- EFT Payments
- Charge Account Payments
- Generate Recurrent Transactions
- Receipts
- Books/Funds
- Add/Edit Books/Funds
- The Accounts Tree
- Add/Edit Accounts
- Beginning Balance Lock
- Move Accounts
Account Numbering
- AR Accounts
- Add/Edit AR Accounts
- Students/Children
- Add/Edit Students/Children
- AR Account Relationship to Student/child
- Transactions
- Bank Account Balance Analysis
- Budgeting
- Budget Import & Export
- Ledger Line Search
- Activity Search
- Budget vs. Actual
Other Reports
- Account and Trial Balance
- Balance Sheet
- Bank Balance Less Dedicated
- Budget Worksheet
- Chart of Accounts
- Dedicated Accounts
- Finance Tools/Settings
- Changing the Finance Year from a Calendar Year to a Fiscal Year
- Close Finance Year
- Reopen Finance Year
- Bank Statement Reconciliation
- Reopen the Last Reconciliation
Where Is It Now? [9.0]
- Where Is It Now?
- Account Balances Reports [Where is it now?]
- Balance Sheet Reports [Where is it now?]
- How do I print checks? [Where is it now?]
- Other Finance Reports [Where is it now?]
- Statement of Income and Expense Reports [Where is it now?]