Activity Search


The Activity Search view shows all transactions over a 36 Month time period (by default) and is set up so you can search through all transactions during this time to find a particular transaction you're looking for. This can be helpful for a few different reasons, such as finding missing transactions from a reconciliation, or finding a listing of all transactions to a particular vendor.

  1. To access the Activity Search, click on the "Plan/Analyze" tab, and then, click on "Activity search" on the sidebar on the left side of the window.
  2. The Activity Search is a standard Shepherd's Staff grid. You can search within the grid using the standard Search and Filter operators.
  3. The "Book", "Status" and "Type" drop-lists will allow you to filter your search by just a particular book, transaction status or transaction type respectively.
  4. If you want to search beyond just the most recent 36 months, uncheck the "Last 36 months" box.
  5. If you need to make any changes to a transaction, click on it, and then click the "Edit" button at the bottom of the grid. The transaction will appear in its own window, and if it can be edited (transaction cannot be reconciled, and must fall within your current fiscal year or beyond), you will be able to make changes in the window that appears.
  6. Clicking the "Refresh" button in the bottom-right will refresh the grid with your new search criteria, showing you the transactions that meet that criteria.
  7. Clicking "Print" will allow you to print out the transactions currently showing on the grid.

Activity Search