Money on Account


Money on account represents a pre-payment of transactions by an AR account. This money can then be applied towards payments for that AR account. 

  1. To access the "Money on Account" grid, click on the "Receivables" tab, and click "Money on account".
  2. By default, this grid will show all unapplied money on account records. You can search for different money on account records by using the search bars using the standard search conventions. You can also choose to look at your applied, and overapplied money on account records too by selecting the type of money on account records you want to see in the "Filter" field.
  3. You can add a new money on account record by clicking the "Add" button at the bottom of the grid, edit an existing money on account record by clicking on it and clicking "Edit" at the bottom of the grid, or delete an existing money on account record by clicking on it on the grid, and then clicking "Delete" at the bottom of the grid.
  4. You can export a list of your money on account records by clicking the "Export" button or print a list of your money on account records by clicking the "Print" button at the bottom of the grid.
