AR Payments


When an AR transaction is created for an AR account, that transaction eventually must be paid by that AR account. The AR Payments grid is where the payments made to fulfill these transactions are created and stored. 

  1. To access the AR Payments grid, click on the "Receivables" tab, and then click "AR Payments".
  2. To search for a particular payment, you can use the search bars at the top of the page, using the standard Search conventions.
  3. You can add a new payment by pressing the "Add" button a the bottom of the grid. If you want to edit a payment, click on it on the grid, and click "Edit". If you want to delete the payment instead, click on it, and then click "Delete"
  4. You can generate a receipt for a selected payment by clicking on it, and then clicking the "Receipt" button at the bottom of the grid.
  5. Clicking "Print" will let you print the payments you have showing on the grid, grouped by different methods.
