Giving ranges


The Giving ranges view allows you to see both total and individual giving in dollar ranges that you specify over the period of time you specify. This is helpful to be able to see how many givers you have at different levels of giving throughout your church.

  1. To access the Giving ranges view, open the Contributions module, and click on Analysis, and then click "Giving Ranges".
  2. First, select which group of people this view will be looking at in the "Who" box. Options include (all envelopes), Active envelopes, Inactive envelopes and a few others as well. If you want to select a particular subgroup, choose the "* For a subgroup" option, or if you want to pick a particular list or grade, choose the "* For a list or grade" option and select your subgroup, list, or grade in the window that appears.
  3. The Giving from box determines what date range is being considered when calculating the figures from this view.
  4. The Range Cutoff section has 12 fields. The value listed in each field establishes the top end of each giving range. So, for example, if your first field is set to 50 dollars, this means the first giving range is set to be between 0-50.00 dollars. This means that the next giving range starts at the end of the previous giving range, plus one cent. So in this example, the second giving range would start at 50.01 dollars. Each giving range value has to be higher than the previous value.
  5. If you don't want to fill the range cutoffs manually, Shepherd's Staff offers a few automatic options for filling out your giving ranges.
    • Default - This automatically fills in the default values for giving ranges, which can be seen in the image below.
    • $0.00 - This sets each giving range to $0.00. This is useful to give yourself a clean slate to work with when preparing your giving ranges.
    • Auto - This lets Shepherd's Staff determine each of your giving values based upon what you have filled in for your first giving value, and the Factor you select in the box to the right. For example, if your first Range Cutoff value is set to $50, and your factor is 1.5, this means that each range cutoff will be increased by 1.5 times the previous value. So, in this example, value 2 would be $75, value 3 would be $112, and so on.
  6. In the "Funds" box, you can pick which funds you want to consider for the giving ranges you're calculating. If you're having trouble finding a particular fund, you can type the fund name in the "Type here to search" box, and the system will highlight that fund for you. You can also choose to hide or show any inactive funds by checking or unchecking the "Hide inactive funds" box on the right side of this field.
  7. Click the "Find" button to populate the grid based on the information you have filled in. You'll first see a summary of your giving ranges, showing each range with contributors in it, the number of givers at that range, the total amount of their giving, the average amount of their giving and the Standard deviation of their giving.
  8. If you click the "Details" button at the bottom of the grid, this will switch the grid to look at each individual giver within each giving range. You'll see their envelope number, name, what giving range they're in, and the amount they gave during the time period you selected. Click "Summary" at the bottom of the grid to switch back to the summary of your giving ranges.
  9. If you click the Print button, and select the "default" option, you will receive a report that shows each giving range, the number of givers in that range (Givers), the total amount of money given in that range (Amount), and the percentage of total giving within that time period that range represents (Pct. of total). You'll also see each giver under each range, the amount they gave, the percentage of total giving that giver's giving accounts for (Pct. of Total), and the percentage that giver's giving accounts for within the range they're in (Pct. of Range). The "Hide giver names" option will show the same information, but it will not show you the names of the givers. Finally, the "Range totals only" will just show you the totals for each giving range, not broken out by giver.
