Selecting Email Recipients


When you are writing an email, you'll need to decide who you will be sending the email to. Shepherd's Staff provides an easy way to pick multiple people or groups of people all at once to send your emails to once you start writing your email. The steps below will help you get to and use the "Select Recipients" window.

  1. When sending an email, in the "To:" line, click the button at the start of the line that says: "To..."
  2. In the window that appears, you can select the group of people you want to work with in the "Who" field.
  3. Select from the listed options to filter which people and emails you see in the "Unselected" box. These checkboxes include "One e-mail address per household", "Home e-mail address", "Work e-mail addresses", "Personal e-mail addresses" and "Private e-mail addresses". You can select any combination of options you want here.
  4. The "Cell phones" button will shift to letting you send emails to generate text messages. You do need the cell phone number listed on the person's profile you want to send to, and you also need to have their cell phone provider listed in order to send them text messages.
  5. In the Unselected box, click on the person you want to add, and then press the Add button. If you want to select multiple people at once, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard as you click on each person. To add all people in the Unselected box, click the "Add all" option. To search for a specific person, type in the person's name in the search box above the Unselected box and press the search button (Magnifying Glass)
  6. To remove people from your selected box and click Remove. If you want to select multiple people at once, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard as you click on each person. To remove all people from the Selected box, click "Remove all". to search for a specific person, type in the person's name in the search box above the Selected box and press the search button (Magnifying Glass)
  7. Click Select to confirm your selections.
