Membership Dashboard


The Membership Dashboard provides a quick snapshot of your Membership data. This includes information about activity among different groups of people, changes in membership, counts and listings of different people and households, age breakdowns of particular groups and member summary information per year.

The Church Dashboard for Membership contains tabs for five different views. By age, Behavior, Changes, Counts, and Member Summary Between these views, some common functions are shared.

  • People—Shows the specific people for the selected field within the selected section.
  • View—Opens the person record of the selected person.
  • Copy—Copies the graph within the selected section to the Windows clipboard.
  • Export—Sends the data within the selected section to your spreadsheet program.
  • Subgroup—Creates a Static subgroup from the people in the selected section.



Each tab provides different sets of data based on data from person, household, attendance and contributions data.

  • By Age - This tab provides a breakdown by age of different groups. You can select which group you'd like to review by clicking the radio button next to that group. You will then see a graph with three data points per age group: Number of males in the age group, number of females in the age group, and total number of people in the age group. Below the graph, you will see a table that provides you with the Median age, of males, females and the total number of people as well as numbers for males, females and all people within each age group.
  • Behavior - This tab provides breakdown of activity (or inactivity) information based on the time period you select for the group you select. First, set the time period you'd like to look at by selecting it from the "For the past" drop-down list. Then, select which group of people you'd like to look at by clicking the radio button next to that group. You will then see two graphs to the right with activity and inactivity information. The activity graph will show numbers on the total number of people in that group, how many of that group attended, communed and gave. The inactivity graph to the right will show the total number of people in the group, and the number of people in that group who did not attend, commune or give. Below each of these graphs, there is a corresponding chart that provides the count and percentage for each data point on the graph.
  • Changes - This tab provides a breakdown of changes that have occurred in your congregation, such as receiving and removing members, baptisms, confirmations and first communions over the time period you select. First, set the time period you'd like to look at in the "Changes" drop-down list. Then, you can select what change you want to track by clicking on the radio button next to that option. You will then be presented with a graph that will show the number of changes per month within the time period. Below the graph, you will see a listing of each person that the particular change was made on within that time period.
  • Counts - This tab provides a listing of people or households within particular groups. First, select the group of people (under the people heading) or households (under the households) heading you'd like to look at. The number of people or households within that particular group will be listed to the right of each option.  To the right of the option selection, you will see the listing of people or households within that group, along with basic information on those people or households.
  • Member Summary - This tab provides you with summary information on your membership for the current and previous years. This tab is good for seeing totals of your baptized and confirmed members within a particular year, as well as seeing the numbers of gains and losses of your baptized and confirmed members. Previous years figures can also be edited by clicking on the line you'd like to edit and clicking "Edit" (The current year cannot be edited, as it updates automatically as changes are made within the current year). This would need to be done if you add (or remove) a person to your system who was received (or removed) in a prior year, but not added to or removed from Shepherd's Staff until your current fiscal year. You can also add Member Summaries for years prior to the start of using Shepherd's Staff if you have that information by clicking the "Add" button at the bottom of the chart. You can also delete a member summary by clicking on it, and clicking the "Delete" button at the bottom of the chart.