10.31.2023 Update [9.0]


Shepherd's Staff 2023 Version (9.0), release 20231031



  • The "Bank balance less dedicated" report has been added back under the Other Reports in Finance, allowing you to print as of a year/month, and to display monthly totals. 
  • The payroll import now allows you to import into Dedicated accounts.



  • In the Offering Batch entry window, if there were no offerings in the batch and you moved the focus to the grid and then pressed the ENTER key, you received the error, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Trace: 110
  • In the Offering Batch entry window, when you click the "export to Excel" button you received the following error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Trace: 138
  • In Offering Batch entry, when using the Totals method of entry, if you added one offering row for part of a Total amount, then immediately deleted that row (so that there were no more offerings in the batch), and then clicked the green "amount remaining" button (located above the Amount textbox), you received the following error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".  The program now warns you that there are no offerings in the batch.
  • In Offering Batch Entry, when using the Totals method of entry, clicking the "remaining amount" button above the "Amount" textbox was inserting a negative number.
  • In Offering Batch Entry, when using the Totals method of entry, the "Total given" textbox was not in the correct TAB order.


  • The Vendor Activity and Summaries report now matches the Vendor Activity Grid and Summary.
  • The summary section on the Vendor records was leaving off Journal Entry amounts from the calculation.
  • When printing the General Ledger report and you set the start date to a prior year, it was showing the current year beginning balance instead of the balance for that month in the prior year.



  • The audit log record when changing a person's information has been reworded to remove the salutation, and add the internal person ID (PID), for more better auditing.



  • On the drilldown tree on the Balance Sheet print preview window, the letters "A", "C", "D", and "E" were showing instead of the words "Assets", "Liabilities", "Dedicated", and "Equity".