10.31.2022 Update [8.9]


Shepherd's Staff 2022 Version (8.9), release20221031



  • In the Anniversaries view, if you had a couple where the Head of Household was not a Member but the Spouse was, if you filtered on “Current members” it did not include the couple, even though the spouse is a Member. (In this fix, calculations now take the couple as a unit, and Membership status takes precedence; if either the husband or the wife is a Member then they are a “member” couple.)


  • A fix to address Annual pledges caused a problem with Weekly and Biweekly pledges. If you printed for a past month (e.g., “1/1/22 through 8/31/22”), the pledged-to-date for Weekly and Biweekly was being calculated using today’s date (e.g., “9/12”), rather than “8/31”. In other words, it inflated the pledge-to-date by the additional weeks between 8/31 and 9/12.
  • The error "Syntax error in FROM clause" would occur when exporting/importing offering batches if there was an apostrophe in the church name, or in the database filename. 



  • The envelope renumbering utility now excludes those who are marked as “Does not use envelopes”.
  • Checking the “Skip this envelope when renumbering” checkbox now sets the “Upcoming envelope” to the “Current envelope” and disables the “Upcoming envelope”. This is because the intent of the feature is to allow the contributor to retain the Current envelope, without being included in the renumbering process.
    • Also, when “Skip” is checked, changes made to the Current envelope are automatically made to the Upcoming envelope so that they stay in sync.
    • Notes:
      • There has been a misconception that “Skip this envelope” somehow indicates that a contributor has left or will be leaving the church. Though it can be used in some cases for this purpose, that is not the intention of the feature.
      • To “skip” means you are skipping the Current envelope when renumbering, leaving it the same next year as it is now. That is why Upcoming needs to be the same number.
      • The original version of 8.9 allowed the numbers to be different when Skip is checked; this service pack does not try to auto-correct any Upcoming envelopes where the two numbers do not match.
      • Checking the “Does not use physical envelopes” box now sets the Upcoming envelope to a six-digit number, but only if “Skip this envelope when renumbering” is NOT checked. It does not change the Upcoming envelope if the contributor is set to be skipped when renumber.
  • The “Envelope box labels” report now defaults to include “Envelopes skipped when renumbering” since the intention is that those contributors get envelopes again (they are just keeping the same number).
  • The “Envelope box export” utility now defaults to include “Envelopes skipped when renumbering” since the intention is that those contributors get envelopes again (they are just keeping the same number).