Kimberly Moon
What's new in Shepherd's Staff 9.1?
Shepherd's Staff's latest upgrade, version 9.1, is here! Version 9.0 wrapped up a multi-year project of updating the interface, with the release of the new Finance module. This new upgrade will no...
Is a Mapped Drive Letter Required to Share my Shepherd's Staff Database on the Network?
Not anymore! Prior to the 9.0 release, Shepherd's Staff required a drive letter location to access the database. For instance, when Shepherd's Staff is first installed and you are creating your d...
Preparing for the Year End
The year end process in Finance is the act of closing the current fiscal year and opening next year’s fiscal year. After you have closed the current year, you will no longer be able to add, edit, o...
Finance module webinar questions & answers [9.0][FAQ]
Below are a list of questions and answers culled from webinars regarding the updated Finance module in the 9.0 version of Shepherd's Staff. This has been updated with additional questions as we co...
Where Is It Now?
The upgrade from Shepherd's Staff 8.9 to 9.0, with a newly rewritten Finance module, is a big transition. There have been significant changes, which we know can be challenging to navigate at first...
Preparing to upgrade to Shepherd's Staff version 9.0
The 9.0 Shepherd's Staff upgrade will be available as of 9/26/2023! Before you install the upgrade, there are several things you may want to consider. Here are our recommendations for tasks you w...
Shepherd’s Staff version 8.9 Contributions module webinar questions & answers [FAQ]
Below are a list of questions and answers culled from webinars regarding the updated Contributions module in the 8.9 version of Shepherd's Staff. This has been updated with additional questions as...
Why are my offering amounts rounding to the nearest dollar in my batch entry? [FAQ]
When adding an offering that includes change beyond a dollar amount (i.e. $23.42 or $1099.99), if you find that Shepherd's Staff is rounding the total amount to the nearest dollar, this is likely c...
The Participation view allows you to search for people based on their participation in various event types over a time frame. This view gives you information on when these people have last partici...
Batch Entry
Every church collects offerings differently and therefore the batch entry screen has many optional ways of entering offerings. There are a variety of options available when entering your offering b...