Add/Edit AR Payments


AR Payments are how you fulfill transactions that have been applied to AR accounts. This article will walk you through the creation and application of these payments. Please note that you must have AR Accounts with AR Transactions applied to them in for a payment to be applied.

Add AR Payment

  1. Open the AR Payments grid by clicking on "Receivables" and then choose "AR Payments". At the bottom of the grid, click the "Add" button.
  2. The "Add Payment" window will appear. Set the date for the payment in the "Payment date" field.
  3. Select the AR account that is making this payment in the "AR account" field. When you do this, all transactions that have a balance remaining on them for this AR account will appear in the grid in the lower part of this window. Each transaction will show the transaction ID, transaction date, item, total due, amount paid today, balance due, how much has been applied towards the transaction, when the transaction is due in full, and if applicable, it will show the student/child this transaction was for.
  4. The "Payment by" field will let you choose how the payment is being made. If an Award or Money on Account is being applied to this payment, you will select which Money on Account or Award is being applied towards this payment. Otherwise, you can fill in a reference number for this payment in the "Document or reference #" field.
  5. You will see the total amount due on the payment in the "Total due" section. Enter the amount being paid on the transaction in the "Total Payment" section.
  6. To apply a portion of the payment to the various transactions, click on the transaction you want to apply payment to and then click "Edit". An "Edit line..." window will appear. In the "Applied" box, enter in the amount you're applying towards this transaction. If you'd rather distribute payment equally amongst all open transactions, click the "Auto" button at the bottom of the grid. To clear all amounts from all transactions, click the "Clear" button.
  7. Enter any comments on this payment in the "Comment" field.
  8. Click "Save" to save this payment.



Edit AR Payment

  1. Open the AR Payments grid by clicking on "Receivables" and then choose "AR Payments". From here, find the payment you want to edit, click on it, and then click "Edit" at the bottom of the grid.
  2. When editing an AR Payment, you can only change the Document or reference # or the comment. Payment Date, AR account, amount and lines cannot be changed. If you need to change any other aspects of the payment, the original payment will need to be deleted and re-added.
  3. Click "Save" when finished making your changes.
