How do I edit or delete an attendance record? [FAQ]


After a batch has been posted, it distributes each attendance record to its respective person record. In order to delete an entire batch, you would need to delete each individual attendance record.

To edit or delete attendance records for a specific date or event,

  • Go to the Detail section of the Attendance tab
  • Input the date of the event into the search bar. The date will need to be in MM/DD/YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY form. 
  • You can also use the other search bar for further filtering, such as a person's name or the event name. Drop-down menus can filter the list even further.
  • Select the record you want to edit or delete
  • To edit, click the Edit button located near the bottom of the window
  • To delete, click the Delete button located near the bottom of the window 
  • Confirm the change
  • Continue this process for any records that need to be edited or removed