Add/Edit Routes


When your church decides to start a ministry where they utilize a bus or van to get people to and from church, adding a route record can help you keep track of who all is involved with the route, both workers/drivers and riders/contacts. We'll walk through adding a route, or editing an existing route below.

  1. Click on the Routes tab at the top of the Scheduler module to access the Routes view.
  2. Click the "Add" button at the bottom of the view to create a new Route record, or to edit an existing route record, click on the record you need to update and click "Edit".
  3. In the Route record, start by typing in the name of the Route in the "Route" field. This is a required field.
  4. Next, in the Type of route, give a generalized description of what the route is for, such as "VBS" or "Senior Citizens"
  5. In the "Location of route" fill in the general area where the route will take place, such as a specific neighborhood or area of the city.
  6. In the Riders/Contacts available section, you'll see a list of all your contacts. If you need to add an additional contact, click the green plus sign button to do so. Once you've selected your contact, click the blue right arrow button to add them to the list of Riders/Contacts assigned.
  7. When you add a person to the Riders/Contacts assigned list, you will be asked to enter in pick up and drop off information. The Drop off and pick up numbers represent in what order you'll drop off and pick this person up on the route. The Drop off and pick up times represent (generally) what time you'll be dropping off and picking this person up. The comments field can contain whatever additional information is needed. Click continue when finished.
  8. In the Workers/Drivers available section, you'll see a list of all your contacts. If you need to add an additional contact, click the green plus sign button to do so. Once you've selected your contact, click the blue right arrow button to add them to the list of Workers/Drivers available.
  9. When you add a person to the Workers/Drivers assigned list, you will be asked to enter in what category this person belongs to. This field is optional, but you may use this to say if a person is a driver on the route, or possibly a supervisor who rides along with the driver. The comments field can contain whatever additional information is needed. Click continue when finished.
  10. In the Vehicles available section, you'll see a list of all your vehicles. If you need to add an additional vehicle, click the green plus sign button to do so. Once you've selected your vehicle, click the blue right arrow button to add the vehicle to the list of Vehicles assigned. A comments window will appear if you want to add any additional comments. Click continue when finished.
  11. Click the Save option at the bottom left to save the route record you added.
