Period Analysis


The Period Analysis tool allows you to review your Income, Expense, Dedicated in and Dedicated out over monthly, quarterly or calendar year time periods across multiple calendar years. This is useful for helping to identify trends and patterns in the inflow and outflow of money from your church.

  1. To access the Period Analysis view, in the Finance module, click on "Plan/Analyze" and then click on "Period analysis".
  2. First, select which book you'll be reviewing in the "Book" field.
  3. Next, select which types of accounts you'll be reviewing. You can select Income, Expense, Dedicated in or Dedicated out. You can also select a combination of Income and Dedicated in or Expense and Dedicated out.
  4. In the "Across" field, select the number of calendar years you want to review.
  5. In the "Aggregate by" field, choose how you want to break up the calendar years you're reviewing. The options include Month, Calendar quarter and Calendar year.
  6. To the right of the "Aggregated by" field, you can choose to further break out your analysis by multiple grouping options, including Major and Minor Group, Responsibility Code, Church Body Code, or account.
  7. If you chose the "Month" or "Calendar quarter" option, an additional checkbox for "Calendar year" will also appear. This will further split your analysis out by calendar year, in addition to breaking it out by month or quarter.
  8. Click the "Find" button after setting your options to review the outcome of the analysis.
  9. If you want use this information externally, click the "Export' button to export this grid to Excel.

Period Analysis