Jordan Bogart
Sharing Favorites
When you set up a particular view or report the specific way that you want it, you may want to share this report or view with other users of Shepherd's Staff at your church, in order for another us...
Charge Statement Reconciliation
The Charge Statement Reconciliation utility is a way for you to double-check the transactions that you have entered into Shepherd's Staff against what your charge account provider has applied to yo...
Export Membership Information
The Export Membership Information report allows you to export information about the people and households in your Membership module in various formats, such as excel or CSV. This report can even be...
Multi-Add for Completed Touchpoints
At times, you may want the ability to record a group of completed touchpoints all at once, such as noting that you sent out a mass email or mailing to a group of your members. The "Multi-Add' funct...
Generate Recurring Offerings
Once you create recurrent offering templates, when these templates come due, you will need to generate these templates to create the offering records they would produce. This happens in the Generat...
Bank Balance Less Dedicated
The Bank Balance Less Dedicated report helps provide you with a clear picture of the "undedicated" money within asset accounts. Since dedicated accounts are considered a reserved portion of your as...
How do I show my full mortgage payment on my budget? [FAQ]
Many churches will have a mortgage payment on properties they own. Being able to accurately track the payments on your mortgage is important for budgeting, but, because your mortgage will be repres...
Where can I find the Finance Dashboard? [FAQ]
In previous releases of Shepherd's Staff, we offered a "Dashboard" section for each module, which provided some quick, at-a-glance information for each module. As our team has gone through and rede...
Introduction to Finance Module
The Finance module allows you to create and maintain a chart of accounts to manage the finanacial accounting needs of your church, and produce reports to inform your congregation about the financia...
Books and Funds [FAQ]
In Shepherd's Staff, accounts are arranged in a hierarchical structure, and at the top of that hierarchy in previous versions of Shepherd's Staff was the term "Funds". In version 9.0 onward in Shep...