General Ledger


The General Ledger report is a report that will show you for each account you include, that account's balance at the start of the time period you select, the change in that account, either summarized by transaction type or shown transaction by transaction, and then the balance at the end of the time period you select. This report will allow you to look at as many or as few accounts as you want at once, it can be helpful for tracking down changes in accounts over time. 

  1. To access the General Ledger report, in the Finance module of Shepherd's Staff, click on "Other Reports and then click "General Ledger"
  2. To set the date range of your report, select the beginning and ending dates of your report in the "Activity from" fields.
  3. Next you can filter which accounts you want to see by using the various filter fields. Each of these fields will have options that you can check or uncheck to include or exclude particular sets of accounts. These fields include "Book", "Type", "Major", "Minor", "Responsibility" and "Church Body". You can also pick and choose specific accounts you want to include or exclude in the "Account" field.
  4. Next, select your level of detail for your report in the "Level of detail". You can select either "Summarize activity" to show each account you selected, with a sum total of each transaction type that went against this account during the time period, or you can select "Detail activity" to see each individual transaction that went against each account. 
  5. The options available for this report will vary depending on your selection in the "Level of detail" section. The options available are:
    • Include accounts with no activity - When checked, this option will include accounts on your report that didn't have any transactions against them during the specified time period.
    • Include inactive accounts - When checked, this option will include accounts on your report that have been marked as being inactive.
    • Account name then number - This option will list your accounts by name first instead of by the account numbers.
    • Sort activity by date only (Detail activity only) - When selected, this option will sort all the transactions for each account by date alone, when unchecked, transactions are sorted by transaction type.
    • Include additional description (Detail activity only) - This option will show line item descriptions for each transaction.
    • Use year-to-date running balance (Detail activity only) - When selected, this option will show the running balance for each account instead of the running sum of activity in the Balance column of the report.
  6. Click "Print" to generate your report.