Vendor Directory


The Vendor directory report allows you to prepare a list of all or some of your vendors for easy reference and review. This report can also provide this information in rotary card format.

  1. To access the Vendor Directory, in the Finance module, click on "Other Reports" and then click "Vendor directory".
  2. You can select which type of vendors you want included in your directory by checking or unchecking the different vendor types in the "Type" field.
  3. In the "Type" drop list, you can choose the format you want for this report. The options are described below:
    • Directory - This format will show each vendor and provide their name, contact information and any options selected in the "Include" section as well as their Vendor Type, one row per vendor.
    • Rotary card: Avery 5385 (2 1/6" x 4") - This option will prepare each vendor's name, contact information, and any options selected in the "Include" section in a rotary card format.
    • Rotary card: Avery 5385 (3" x 5") - Same as above, but the cards are a little larger.
  4. If you're wanting to select just a single vendor to run this report for, you can select that vendor in the "Vendor" field.
  5. The "Include" section allows you to include additional information about your vendors, including Contacts, Customer Number, Tax ID, and Discounts and Ordering info. You can also choose to include Inactive vendors by checking the "Inactive Vendors" box.
  6. Click "Print" to generate your report.
