

A vendor is any person, company or organization who receives a check, payment or other disbursement from your congregation, including employees. You must have a Vendor record for that vendor to be listed on a transaction. Vendors are universal across all your books.

Vendor records can be accessed on the Vendors window.

  1. To access the Vendors window, click on the "Activity" tab, and then click "Vendors".
  2. To filter the grid to only show a particular type of vendor, click the "Type" drop list, and select which type of vendor you want to show.
  3. To filter the grid to only show Active or Inactive vendors, click the "Filter" drop list and select if you want to see Active vendors, Inactive vendors or if you want to see all vendors, select "(no filter)"
  4. To add a new vendor, click the "Add" button.
  5. To Edit an existing vendor, click on the vendor you want to make changes to and click "Edit"
  6. To delete a vendor you no longer need, click on the vendor you want to get rid of and then click "Delete". You can only delete a vendor if they are not attached to any transactions, recurrent transactions, or purchase orders.
  7. To generate a single label for a Vendor, click on the vendor you want a label for and then click "Label"
  8. You can print a list of Vendors if you click the "Print" button.
