When you set up a particular view or report the specific way that you want it, you may want to share this report or view with other users of Shepherd's Staff at your church, in order for another user to quickly and easily reproduce what you created for their own purposes within Shepherd's Staff. Shepherds Staff allows you to share your reports with other users, provided those users have permission to access the area of Shepherd's Staff that is being shared, and once those views and reports are shared, they will appear in the favorites panel for the users they were shared with.
- Find the saved view or report that you want to share in your Favorites Panel and right-click it. See the article on Favorites for more information about saving reports or views.
- Select the "Share" option
- The "Share" window will appear. Check the box next to each user you want to share the report with.
- Click the "OK" button to save your selections.