Introduction to Subgroups



A Subgroup is a specific list of people that is generated by the user or assembled by common traits. Subgroups are very useful as filters for printing reports and generating statistics when only a specific list of people is needed. There are three types of Subgroups: DynamicStatic, and Combined.

» Dynamic Subgroups use a set of criteria that generates a group of people at the time the list is assembled. This means that these Subgroups are automatically updated as you update information in the database.

» Static Subgroups, on the other hand, are sets of people that are added to the Subgroup manually by the user. Therefore, all changes to Static Subgroups must be done manually as well.

» Combined Subgroups are a combination of two or more Dynamic and/or Static Subgroups.

Shepherd’s Staff has provided many pre-made Subgroups that can be edited to fit your specific church’s needs.

There are four tabs in the Subgroups view. Each tab offers different options regarding the Subgroup that is selected.

» Subgroups—This view lists all of the Subgroups that have been created. This is where you can add, edit, and delete Subgroups. Like in other views, columns can be sorted and rearranged, and data can be searched with the use of the two search fields.

» People—This tab displays everyone that is included in the Subgroup you have selected. Like in other views, columns can be sorted and rearranged, and data can be searched with the use of the two search fields.

» Reports—This view is unavailable at this time and will be available in a future release of Shepherd’s Staff. 

» Security—This tab is available only to users with permission to edit Subgroups.



Subgroups can be made in Membership, Attendance, and Contributions. Regardless of where they are made, they can be accessed in any of these modules.


Here is how to use Subgroups:

  1. Subgroups can be accessed by clicking on Subgroups in the menu bar or by clicking the Subgroups icon in the toolbar.
  2. From this window, you can add, edit, and delete Subgroups.
  3. Click Count to quickly see the number of people and households in the Subgroup.
  4. Click Labels to open mailing labels with the selected Subgroup applied.
  5. Click Preview to show a report of the people in the Subgroup and some basic information. You can also click Print to print the report.
  6. Click the Export button to export a list of all the Subgroups. If you want to export the list of people within a Subgroup, select the Subgroup and then click on the People tab, which will give you the export option you need.

