Statement of Activities


The Statement of Activities report will provide you with a summary, by account grouping or by individual accounts, of all activity on your income, expense and dedicated accounts. In order to use this report, you must first organize your accounts into groups in the Advanced Report Settings window. This report is useful for seeing groupings of your church's income and expense accounts, to see where your church may be under or overperforming. This report also breaks down income and expense into categories of "Without Donor Restrictions" and "With Donor Restrictions". Anything that is under the "With Donor Restrictions" category is a part of a dedicated account.

  1. You can access the Statement of Activities report by clicking "Other Reports" and then click "Statement of Activities".
  2. Select the year you are running the report for in the "Finance year" field.
  3. You can choose which Book/Fund's accounts will be included on your report in the "Books" or "Funds" field by checking or unchecking the different books or funds you want to include.
  4. The "Level of Detail" field will let you choose if you want to see just the totals for each group, or if you also want to see the individual accounts under those groups by choosing "Normal" or "Account" respectively.
  5. Click "Print" to print your report.

