Combine Transactions for Two Vendors


The "Combine Transactions for Two Vendors" utility will allow you to move all transactions from one vendor to another. This can be useful if multiple copies of a vendor were accidentally created, and transactions have been assigned to both copies of the vendor. Before you run this utility, it is recommend that you make a backup of your database, as changes from this utility cannot otherwise easily be undone.

Note: You must have supervisor access to the Finance module in order to run this utility.

  1. In Finance, click on the "Tools/Settings" tab, click on the radio button for "Combine transactions for two vendors", and then click "Start".
  2. The "Combine two vendors" button will appear. In the "Current vendor" field, select the vendor you're going to be moving the transactions off of. After you select the vendor, a list of all of that vendor's transactions will be shown.
  3. In the "New vendor" field, select the vendor who will be receiving the transactions from the vendor selected in the "Current vendor" field. A list of all the transactions for the vendor you selected in the "New vendor" field will be shown in the "New vendor activity" field.
  4. Click "Combine Vendors" at the top of the window, and confirm that you want to move the activity by clicking "Yes" in the window that appears. You will see all the transactions in the "Current vendor activity" section move to the "New vendor activity" section.
  5. If you need to delete the duplicate vendor, you should now be able to do so from the Vendors grid.
