Notice: Pledged offerings generated using Distribute in Batch Entry may be incorrect [8.9]


Shepherd's Staff service pack 20222021 (see release notes) was released to correct an issue discovered in version 8.9 regarding the use of the Distribute button when entering Pledged offerings in Batch Entry.

The issue will only occur if you:

  1. Use Pledges in Shepherd's Staff.
  2. Use the Distribute button when entering their pledged Offerings in the Batch Entry screen.
  3. Have Contributors with pledges to more than one Contribution Fund in 2022 with one of the pledges fulfilled. 

In a case where all of the above apply, clicking the Distribute button to generate new Offerings may put incorrect amounts in the grid. 

If you are on version 8.9 and these conditions apply or may apply by the end of the year, please use the "Check for updates" link on your login screen as soon as possible, and apply the updates found.

Please note: The update only corrects the function of the Distribute button going forward.  It cannot correct offerings that may have been entered before the update that may have gone in with incorrect totals and/or distribution.

If any of your Contributors have multiple Funds pledged, and you use Distribute in Batch Entry to enter them, you may want to review their Offerings in Shepherd's Staff vs. their actual giving and make manual corrections in Shepherd's Staff if necessary.  This will help to avoid any confusion on their Contribution Statements. 

The article below describes how to edit an offering in Shepherd's Staff (scroll down past the "Add Offering" section):

Add/Edit Offering