Add Additional Vendor Contacts


With some of your vendors, you may have specific contacts that your church works with. In that case, you may want to keep that person's contact information associated with the vendor. Shepherd's Staff allows you to add additional contacts to a vendor to keep track of this information.

  1. To add an additional contact to a vendor, in the Finance module, under the Activity section, click on "Vendors" and then find the vendor you want to add an additional contact to. Click on that Vendor, and then click "Edit".
  2. In the window that appears, scroll down to the "Additional contacts" section, and click "Add" at the bottom of that grid.
  3. Fill in the person's name in the "Contact name" field. You can also fill in the person's phone number, e-mail address and any addition information. 
  4. If there are any notes on this vendor, click on the "Notes" button to add any additional notes.
  5. If adding multiple contacts at this vendor, check the "Add multiple" box.
  6. Click Save when finished adding this vendor.
