Attendance Roster



Attendance Rosters are used to easily and quickly take attendance at events. In Shepherd’s Staff®, the attendance rosters are designed to be flexible and usable for any event. There are three different types of rosters. Sunday School rosters can be formatted in various ways so that each teacher can have a different version. Generic rosters can be used in any situation but do not have any special format options. Lastly, a blank roster can be printed with only dates filled in; you will need to enter names and other information. Each roster can have a set start date and then be automatically incremented by a set time. The report will list a maximum of seventeen dates. In addition, rosters can include additional information, like birthdays and contact information.


Key Parts

» Who—Contains a list of various groups of people, including members, enrollees, and people from a subgroup or list.

» Type of Roster—Determines the type of roster that is generated: Sunday School, Generic, or Blank form.

» Increment by—Controls the dates that are shown on the roster. This can be set to weekly, daily, or biweekly.

» Format—Specific to Sunday School rosters. These options format the list in different ways depending on if each class needs a roster or only one master roster is needed.

» Include—Lists additional information that can be added to the rosters, like spaces for visitors, and birthdays. If Birthdays are included, the birth dates that fall within the months the report covers, will be bold with asterisks (as shown below)

Here is how to generate an Attendance Roster Report:

  1. Open the Attendance module and select the Reports tab, then select Attendance Roster from the list of reports.
  2. Select an option from the Who drop-down.
  3. Choose the Type of roster you want to print.
  4. Pick a Start date and an option under Increment by.
  5. Select a Format from the drop-down (for Sunday School rosters only).
  6. Use the check boxes to add any other information you wish to include (for Sunday School and Generic rosters only).
  7. Add any additional notes (for Sunday School and Generic rosters only).
  8. Click Print.