Reports Overview


Built-in Reports

In the past, Shepherd’s Staff offered dozens of reports, but many simply pulled data from a view. Now, to simplify processes, the software contains a smaller number of reports that can be used to display data in different ways. Each report has options to narrow down the results by selecting subgroups, searching by various criteria, and setting a time frame.

Many reports have options to change formatting. In some cases, this changes not only how the data is presented but also what data is shown. In addition, fonts and scaling can be changed to make it easier to read the report. The report name can also be changed if you are using a saved report with a custom name; you can do this by checking the Use as the report title check box.



Changing the font and scaling may result in data being cut off and not displaying correctly. If you are seeing data shown as #####, set the font and scaling to default. If you are still seeing #####, the value is too large for the field.


Saving Views as Reports

Every view can now be made into a report and saved for future use. You can do this by using the filters and searches, clicking Print in the command line, and choosing a Group by option. This gives you ultimate flexibility and freedom to create reports.



Saving a view keeps all filters, searches, and sort orders. You may have to change some of these settings when printing a report. You can also create a dynamic subgroup that will update automatically.


Saving Reports

Because reports and views require some setting up, it is suggested you save the event you are creating a report from if you are going to use the report again in the future. You can do this by clicking Save in the command line. This adds the report to your favorites panel, where it can be given a unique name and used again in the future. If the report is saved from a view, it will appear under My views. The view will retain all searches, filters, and sort orders. If you save a report from the Reports tab, it will appear under My reports and will save all settings in the report.

